Current Affairs

Is there a control over the Private Military & Security Companies?

Is there a control over the Private Military & Security Companies?

On the 16th and 17th of February, the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) and the Direcció General de Cooperació de la Generalitat de Catalunya organized the international seminar “Business and Human Rights: Comparing Experiences” which incorporated the participation of national and international organizations, political representatives, academia, private companies, trade unions and civil society organizations.
Outward Investment and China’s Private Security Empire

Outward Investment and China’s Private Security Empire

Taking into account the density and population of Asia, regions such as Latin America, are crucial and strategic allies for the supply of food, raw minerals and resources, especially oil. The Nicaraguan Canal project embodies the greater strategies employed by the Chinese government, utilizing cost-effective models in the developing Nicaraguan state and locational advantages due to its ability to accommodate large quantities of traded goods, especially between the Chinese and Brazilian markets. The importance in procuring these vital resources for sustained growth is contingent on the ability to effectively secure the private investments, which in the case of the Nicaraguan Canal, comes in the form of exported security services from the country’s rapidly emerging private military and security sector.