Current Affairs

Is there a control over the Private Military & Security Companies?

Is there a control over the Private Military & Security Companies?

On the 16th and 17th of February, the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP) and the Direcció General de Cooperació de la Generalitat de Catalunya organized the international seminar “Business and Human Rights: Comparing Experiences” which incorporated the participation of national and international organizations, political representatives, academia, private companies, trade unions and civil society organizations.
Catalan Parliament debates about Transnational companies and Human Rights

Catalan Parliament debates about Transnational companies and Human Rights

The conference was organized with the aim of reflecting and starting to take action in the defense of the human rights violations committed by transnational companies. Even though the majority of the world's governments take part in the International Human Rights System, states tend to keep their responsibilities inside the own national territory, leaving the international protection of human rights in a legal vacuum.