Oct 22, 2020 | New Report, News, Publications
CurrentAffairs Get InvolvedFollow usSubscribe The Observatory for Human Rights and Business in the Mediterranean and Shock Monitor Observatory are launching ‘Shopping with Hannah and Angela’, a video made by Christian Flores which aims to generate a debate...
Oct 11, 2020 | News, Publications, Regulations
CurrentAffairs Get InvolvedFollow usSubscribe This Al-Haq’s and GLAN report is part of the coordinated research, awareness and advocacy joint work of Al-Haq, Observatori DESC, NOVACT and SUDS, within the framework of the ODHE and Shock Monitor Observatories, and...
Oct 11, 2020 | Impacts, News, Publications
CurrentAffairs Get InvolvedFollow usSubscribe The policy paper “Privatization of security, social control and gender impact in East Jerusalem” (available in Spanish) by the ODHE and Shock Monitor Observatories’ researcher Nora Miralles, analyzes the main gender...
Oct 11, 2020 | Impacts, News, Publications
CurrentAffairs Get InvolvedFollow usSubscribe The Al-Haq’s report “Atarot Settlement: The Industrial Key in Israel’s Plan to Permanently Erase Palestine” is part of the coordinated research, awareness and advocacy joint work of Al-Haq, Observatori...
May 17, 2018 | New Report, Publications
Reports NEW REPORT: “Public International Law and Human Rights Violations by Private Military and Security Companies” Helena Torroja (Editor), Felipe Daza, Mario Laborie, José L. Gómez Prado and Carlos López 2017 This book explores the human rights...
Apr 4, 2018 | News, Publications
Shock Monitor's tool embodies the principle mission of the campaign, which is to observe and document military and security activity by third party actors and to promote research and reporting on impacts to humanitarian and international law around the world, without limitation to any specific geographical context. The data published within the online database and mapping tool is collected, developed and verified through the Shock Monitor technical and research team.